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    82562ez boot rom download windows

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    It's working for me but after a ** Restart ** . Open up Device Manager and right click the faulty Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port driver, with the warning in yellow. Then "Update Driver software . ", "Browse my computer for driver software", "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer", "Have Disk . ", browse to the folder Prolific_Win8_x64_x86 with the older drivers and double click on the ser2pl.inf file. Needed this for work! LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); Modifié USERPC01 mercredi 9 avril 2014 23:56. My device com was correctly installed (checked from device manager); but I couldn't transfer data using usb/serial connection on Win 7 64bit systems. I hope this helps others, Ted. My disclaimer is you are responsible for your own registry. void BlinkLED(HANDLE hfile) EscapeCommFunction(hfile,SETRTS); sleep(500); EscapeCommFunction(hfile,CLRRTS); sleep(500); >> CharliePel provided the user name and password to access support guest\guest. I am as still uncertain whether the restrictions apply to the current hardware ID(s) or restrict installation of a new one hardware ID or both. The 2304 one above is the newer one and the 2303 ones are the ones as currently installed. either way, I figured this would prevent installation of the latest driver. So far so good on Windows 10 Home. The older driver remains intact. Is that where you downloaded the 90KB Driver from? Have they removed it since November 12 I wonder? Modifié wsurfmarc samedi 23 novembre 2013 20:05 Proposé comme réponse RGuise mercredi 26 février 2014 16:24. Modifié CodeFire jeudi 29 novembre 2012 15:33. I think this is the simplest way that should make it work. I've tried this both in my Windows 7 and currently in my Windows 8.1. On the windows8 computer install the windows 8 driver PL2303_Prolific_Driverstaller_v_1_7_0 it's on http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/CustomerLogin.aspx use guest guest for user and password. Unbelievable that prolific can't do a proper installer or having drivers which work with latest windows updates. Basically, you can do this via gpedit.msc if you have Windows Pro, if not, do it via a reg file and import into the registry. Then all other drivers can still be updated via the default web search. I would also recommend hiding the prolific driver update in Windows update. In Windows 10, you must use the windows update troubleshooter to hide it. thank you.. it works.. it Works for me too in win8_x64, thank man you rule !! The prolific driver version works in Windows 10 with older Prolific cables (with real or fake chips). The latest version from the Microsoft driver repository does not because Prolific has deprecated the older chips because the Chinese were creating fake copies. It has nothing to do with Windows. The trouble is the web driver update from Microsoft's repository will update the driver by default unless you turn off the driver updating which of course then affects all other drivers that you do want to keep up-to-date. We've tested it on Windows 7, 64 bit, but it should work for anything XP and above. Would appreciate any feedback on whether it worked for you (please include OS and whether 32 or 64 bit). Here is what I found: The prolific driver version works in Windows 10 with older Prolific cables (with real or fake chips). The latest version from the Microsoft driver repository does not because Prolific has deprecated the older chips because the Chinese were creating fake copies. It has nothing to do with Windows. The trouble is the web driver update from Microsoft's repository will update the driver by default unless you turn off the driver updating which of course then affects all other drivers that you do want to keep up-to-date. Solution with old driver : Yes I know. I have the PL-2303 HXD chip too but I am having problems with it. I have posted a question at stackoverflow regarding PL-2303 HXD and USB 3.0 and I have sent a support question to Prolific. I don't know what else to do. That is why I am trying to get the HXA working on Windows 8. The machine I have with Windows 8 only have USB 3.0 ports. (Dell Vostro 3560) PL2303XA/HXA (CBR USB-COM(RS-232C)) ser2pl64. sys 27.10.2008, Bug in driver:if set DTR=1 and RTS=0 then DTR (wire) will be =0 , RTS=0 (low level) not matter (все равно, несмотря на команду DTR=1) (level, using loopback test 3-2 ,1-4-6,7-8, ComEx from HiAsm 4 Alt build). Hopefully that solves it! Cheers! - Resetting the registry entry for serial device enumeration such that the next inserted device becomes COM3. Try to disable FIFO buffer, on port settings click "Advanced". In this dialog box you can enable or disable the FIFO buffer. Thank you for the registry edits though. Very valuable in certain environments. 3. Browse for driver software on computer. Proposé comme réponse BrightSigns mercredi 6 mars 2013 17:37. Proposé comme réponse Rey6221 mercredi 19 juin 2013 09:34. Modifié USERPC01 jeudi 10 avril 2014 19:23. Visit the prolific site and get the following driver: This worked for me. Use these steps with the post I marked as "Proposed Answer" with the Sendspace link. These two combined worked well for me. You just have to update everytime you re-insert the USB to Serial adapter. Just keep the directory with the Profilic_Win8_x64_x86.zip unzipped on your local drive and use the steps above every time you need to use it. A little hassle but it's working so I'll stick to that method. Thank you for the details as this is also part of the answer. Couldn't get Windows to find the Vista installer and this didn't work for me on Windows x64. hWnd = CreateWindow(wc.lpszClassName,"Switch 1.0", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,100,100,600,90, NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL); Basically, you can do this via gpedit.msc if you have Windows Pro, if not, do it via a reg file and import into the registry. Then all other drivers can still be updated via the default web search. I would also recommend hiding the prolific driver update in Windows update. In Windows 10, you must use the windows update troubleshooter to hide it. This is their AUM-100 lead. USB to RS232 with FTDI Chipset currently priced at £10.45 and delivered very quickly." 8. Scan hardware changes to verify. 5. Select Have Disk. - Removing any configured serial ports using a Prolific Driver. Yes, also for me. HDC dc; HWND button1, button2, button3,button4; Modifié RichM02145 lundi 12 novembre 2012 21:25 model # Proposé comme réponse philMacU vendredi 11 avril 2014 11:58. PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 (Yes, this is a Vista installer which will install on Win7 but not Win8) Go figure! No need to copy files to the drivers directory, etc. at all! I got my PL-2303 USB-to-Serial-Converter running on a 32-bit machine with Windows 8 as follows. My Windows 8 installation is in German, so I have to translate. 6. On the bottom, Select Browse and then select location where you saved the driver for , you should be able to find ser2pl. On the windows8 computer install the windows 8 driver PL2303_Prolific_Driverstaller_v_1_7_0 it's on http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/CustomerLogin.aspx use guest guest for user and password. http://www.usbnow.co.uk and search for 48 ( this is their product number). I tried pasting the full link in here and although it shows on the input screen it doesn't come out on the 'preview post' for some reason. Run that installer then copy the 90KB ser2pl64.sys file into the Windows8 C:\Windows\System32\Drivers you will overwrite any other that is there. On the windows8 computer install the windows 8 driver PL2303_Prolific_Driverstaller_v_1_7_0 it's on http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/CustomerLogin.aspx use guest guest for user and password. windows update is updating ser2pl64.sys from to (especially after the prolific installer has been installed; or when you hit the driver update button from the driver properties). There are older versions of the prolific-signed driver floating around which do not block legitimate but older prolific chipsets. There's even a whole webpage dedicated to them. One is called 'Cables & Drivers - Prolific & FTDI - Miklor' and another is called 'FAKE PL2303 – HOW TO INSTALL ON WINDOWS 8.1'. Even though these pages say that it can get the fake or clone chips working, it will also get the older but real adaptors working as well (since the older ones have the usb vid and device-id which are generally in the clone chips). I was able to get the right 90K file mentioned above. However it will only let the device work if you turn driver signing off. Test program for Hiasm 4. button1 = CreateWindow("BUTTON","SET RTS",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, 10,10,120,40,hWnd,NULL,hInstance,NULL); button2 = CreateWindow("BUTTON","SET DTR",WS_CHILD |WS_VISIBLE| BS_PUSHBUTTON, 140,10,120,40,hWnd,NULL,hInstance,NULL); button3 = CreateWindow("BUTTON","ON",WS_CHILD |WS_VISIBLE| BS_PUSHBUTTON, 270,10,120,40,hWnd,NULL,hInstance,NULL); button4 = CreateWindow("BUTTON","OFF",WS_CHILD |WS_VISIBLE| BS_PUSHBUTTON, 420,10,120,40,hWnd,NULL,hInstance,NULL); - Overwriting either ser2pl.sys (32 bit) or ser2pl64.sys (64 bit) with a version of the same file from an older prolific driver. I did it like this: Finally, as with all usb products, install the drivers first and then connect the device if Windows does not identify and install drivers after just plugging it in. Here is driver taken from win 7. Should work for both Win 8 X86/X64. Thank you for posting the above solution. I would love to resolve the issue I am having with my USB-to-Serial adapter which is exactly like the one described above (driver not working on Win 8 / 64-bit machine). DTR=1 (level,+5V) will be only if DTR=1 and RTS=1 (in program), else =0. This is a copy that I posted on another forum ( www.blackbox-solutions.com) a vehicle diagnostics site. Visit the prolific site and get the following driver: 4. Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer. Regardless, Newegg has a device compatible with Win8 here with Win 8 drivers from the manufacturer here. Install PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 on a Windows7 machine. Once installed go to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder and copy the file called ser2pl64.sys it should be 90KB if you use the 155KB file it will not work. Do not use the 155KB file. Copy the 90KB file to a USB drive. I've tried plclean.exe on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit with the PL-2303 HXA and unfortunately it did not work. I might also mention that it was a USB 3.0 port. I got my end of life PL-2303 HXA USB serial converter to work on Windows8 64bit by doing the following. Thank you very much! I think that the most difficult for most of the people is how to avoid windows 8(.1) to take the newer driver again. It's very difficult to get rid of it. I've tried plclean.exe on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit with the PL-2303 HXA and unfortunately it did not work. I might also mention that it was a USB 3.0 port. The solution Prolific an windows 8.1 pro 100% funcionally. if (hfile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Serial Port Does not Exist!"),TEXT("LED ON"),NULL); exit(0); > SetDTR_HIGHprocedure(hfile); printf("SET DTR=1\n"); printf("Blinking RTS\n"); BlinkLED(hfile); CloseHandle(hfile); > So, instead you can use group policy editor to lock down the prolific driver by itself and leave automatic driver update enabled. PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 (Yes, this is a Vista installer which will install on Win7 but not Win8) Go figure! Proposé comme réponse Nano Warp dimanche 24 mars 2013 11:39. Modifié USERPC01 jeudi 10 avril 2014 00:29. Modifié drtedrted mardi 27 novembre 2012 01:16 Proposé comme réponse Hiphoptech jeudi 9 janvier 2014 22:08 Marqué comme réponse Brandon Records Moderator vendredi 17 janvier 2014 15:58. So although group policy editor only exists in Pro editions of Windows, it is just a front-end to the registry. So, to prevent the prolific driver from being updated in Windows 10/8/7 use the registry: I've found an answer to this problem that works for me. I'm in the UK but I guess this solution will be available to others should they wish to take it. I used this method and it's working for My Lenovo Windows 8 64bit OS! if ((HWND)lParam==button4) EscapeCommFunction (hPort, CLRRTS); EscapeCommFunction (hPort, CLRDTR); MessageBox(hwnd,"CTS,DTR off","",MB_OK); > return 0; > The only difference is that I used the file named "ser2pl.sys" instead of "ser2pl64.sys". it Works for me too in win8_x64, thank man you rule !! Here is driver taken from win 7. Should work for both Win 8 X86/X64. I got my end of life PL-2303 HXA USB serial converter to work on Windows8 64bit by doing the following. You can download it here: http://www.brightledsigns.com/downloads/plclean.exe. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Restrictions] "DenyDevice > "DenyDevice > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Restrictions\DenyDeviceIDs] "1"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2303" "2"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300" "3"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2304" Don't forget to remove all not working drivers using device manager and check delete driver. Manually overwriting the driver file ser2pl64.sys version does fix the problem. So, instead you can use group policy editor to lock down the prolific driver by itself and leave automatic driver update enabled. Don't forget to remove all not working drivers using device manager and check delete driver. Pl-2303 driver download. This worked for me. Jeddam, End of Life version, it will not work. Please visit Prolific for a solution. Modifié USERPC01 jeudi 10 avril 2014 00:35. - Reinstalling the latest Prolific Driver. C'mon! Please read all that Prolific provides. End of story. Just to document that I also got my GPS antennas (Pharos and GlobalSat BU-353) both working with Windows 8 32-bit using the same process. I have located a lead that works with Windows 8. This is a windows issue and not an MSV2 issue, but will of course effect owners who purchase a new computer with Win 8. The lead has an FTDI chipset and I have connected it and reinstalled Vehicle explorer and it works. This is the link to where I purchased it. How to fix this bug in Win7 x64 Home Base ? In Knoppix 7 ->need to patch pl2303.c (RTS,DTR control algorithm). I did it like this: By Gustavo Motta. I had a problem using prolific PL2303 for win 7 driver installer. Here is driver taken from win 7. Should work for both Win 8 X86/X64. Problem with Windows 10 WU. I did find the .zip and .exe on other web sites but was not able to generate said driver. PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 (Yes, this is a Vista installer which will install on Win7 but not Win8) Go figure! int main(int argc,char** argv) HANDLE hfile = CreateFile(serial_port ,GENERIC_READ |GENERIC_WRITE , 0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); I've tried plclean.exe on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit with the PL-2303 HXA and unfortunately it did not work. I might also mention that it was a USB 3.0 port. Vegan Fanatic pointed you here for Prolific. I need to get my EOL PL-2303 HXA working on windows 8, as well. Currently I get error 10 and the yellow triangle. My other computer runs XP Pro SP3. Anyone got any idea if I could do a similiar thing as RichM02145 has done for W7 to W8. ie are there files I could copy from my XP machine onto the W8 machine to achieve this. And how do I do it please? Modifié primaridha samedi 4 mai 2013 13:12. I do not see the PL2003_Prolific_Vista_332102 driver on on Prolific's web site: I think that the most difficult for most of the people is how to avoid windows 8(.1) to take the newer driver again. It's very difficult to get rid of it. I hope this helps others, Ted. My disclaimer is you are responsible for your own registry. There, Prolific specifically addresses the issue and provides Windows 8 drivers, provided that you don't have a bootleg version of the product or the end of life version. Install PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 on a Windows7 machine. Once installed go to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder and copy the file called ser2pl64.sys it should be 90KB if you use the 155KB file it will not work. Do not use the 155KB file. Copy the 90KB file to a USB drive. I am as still uncertain whether the restrictions apply to the current hardware ID(s) or restrict installation of a new one hardware ID or both. The 2304 one above is the newer one and the 2303 ones are the ones as currently installed. either way, I figured this would prevent installation of the latest driver. So far so good on Windows 10 Home. The older driver remains intact. #ifndef __UNICODE__ #define __UNICODE__ #endif #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif. Open up Device Manager and right click the faulty Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port driver, with the warning in yellow. Then "Update Driver software . ", "Browse my computer for driver software", "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer", "Have Disk . ", browse to the folder Prolific_Win8_x64_x86 with the older drivers and double click on the ser2pl.inf file. Don't forget to remove all not working drivers using device manager and check delete driver. Don't forget to remove all not working drivers using device manager and check delete driver. I have a DELL Tablet Venue Pro 64GB with windows 8.1 x32 installed on it. It's a shame that owners of the legitimate hardware are the main ones being hurt by this. For example, GE Aviation uses them quite a bit. Also, I placed the "ser2pl.sys" file into all of the following Windows 8 folders (found by doing a file search after the driver ver 1-7-0 install): switch(uMsg) case WM_COMMAND: if ((HWND)lParam==button1) EscapeCommFunction (hPort, CLRDTR); EscapeCommFunction (hPort, SETRTS); MessageBox(hwnd,"CLR DTR,SET RTS"," ",MB_OK); >; if ((HWND)lParam==button2) EscapeCommFunction (hPort, CLRRTS); EscapeCommFunction (hPort, SETDTR); MessageBox(hwnd,"CLR RTS,SET DTR"," ",MB_OK); > if ((HWND)lParam==button3) EscapeCommFunction (hPort, SETRTS); EscapeCommFunction (hPort, SETDTR); MessageBox(hwnd,"RTS,DTR ON","",MB_OK); > Would it be possible to attach it here? Perhaps zip and email me the file? Place it on a hosting service for downloading? Микросхема PL2303XA/HXA (капля) может иметь конструктивные недоработки на схемотехническом уровне (на три провода XON/XOFF, 20 кБ рассчитана). Modifié Jeddam lundi 25 mars 2013 06:44. You can reach that file version here on our FTP. RTS blinking with a DTR , EscapeCommFunction(hfile,SETDTR) error ; Reboot or disable and enable the USB to serial in the device manager of Windows8 and it should work. Here is driver taken from win 7. Should work for both Win 8 X86/X64. case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; > default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); > > CloseHandle (hPort); Install PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 on a Windows7 machine. Once installed go to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder and copy the file called ser2pl64.sys it should be 90KB if you use the 155KB file it will not work. Do not use the 155KB file. Copy the 90KB file to a USB drive. So although group policy editor only exists in Pro editions of Windows, it is just a front-end to the registry. So, to prevent the prolific driver from being updated in Windows 10/8/7 use the registry: - Removing the current Prolific Driver. int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) WNDCLASS wc; HWND hWnd; MSG msg; wc.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); /*(HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);*/ wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpsz ; RegisterClass(&wc); Prolific also recommends newer compatible products that will just plug and load. Hope this info helps someone out there! I can not find the PL2303_Prolific_Vista_332102 installer on Prolific's web site. Where did you find it? Yes, also for me. I got my end of life PL-2303 HXA USB serial converter to work on Windows8 64bit by doing the following. Worked perfectly - THANK YOU for this post! Run that installer then copy the 90KB ser2pl64.sys file into the Windows8 C:\Windows\System32\Drivers you will overwrite any other that is there. Reboot or disable and enable the USB to serial in the device manager of Windows8 and it should work. Reboot or disable and enable the USB to serial in the device manager of Windows8 and it should work. We put together an installer package that works around this problem by: The driver version [31.07.2007] works fine on my Windows 8 32-bit installation, while the newer versions of the driver ( and do not. Hopefully, this helps someone out there. 2. Go to device manager, under Ports ( COM & LPT ) right click Prolific USB-to-Serial (COMx) then select Update driver software . 7. Open, then OK, then Next, then VOILA! it should be working now. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Restrictions] "DenyDevice > "DenyDevice > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Restrictions\DenyDeviceIDs] "1"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2303" "2"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300" "3"="USB\\VID_067B&PID_2304" Visit the prolific site and get the following driver: Move on to a product that will work. Don't forget to remove all not working drivers using device manager and check delete driver. Thank you. There is no other way, I've tried everything. You have to stick with Windows 7 for that chipset or move to Windows 8 with FTDI Chipset. The device has only 32-bit drivers. Also, the Vostro has only 1 "power share" usb port, but the Dell product support doesn't say which one. Here is driver taken from win 7. Should work for both Win 8 X86/X64. 1. download the driver version in http://www.magicdriver.com/driver158759-ver_3.3.2.102.html ( although this is an old driver version, this works in most versions of Windows OS even the latest Windows 8.1 in my case ) Modifié Hiphoptech jeudi 9 janvier 2014 22:24. LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) HANDLE hPort; hPort = CreateFile (TEXT("COM1"), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); Hello. Great solution. Problem is I don't have a Win 7 or Vista install to grab the ser2pl64.sys file. Run that installer then copy the 90KB ser2pl64.sys file into the Windows8 C:\Windows\System32\Drivers you will overwrite any other that is there. after transfer 50 kb of data in SiMoCo transfer error rexpected (PL2303XA/HXA) Go to the device manager and plug in your USB-to-Serial cable. The device icon should pop up in "COM & LPT" with a yellow mark that indicates that the device is not correctly installed. Double click to open its properties. Go to the "Driver" tab and hit the button to update your driver. I see two options "Automatically look for new drivers" and "Look for drivers on your computer". Choose to look on your computer. Now you may specify a path to look for drivers. Leave it blank and choose to select a driver from a list of drivers on your computer. On my computer it shows four different "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port" drivers. Choose version Proposé comme réponse Justin Goldberg jeudi 27 avril 2017 12:39. The above is true, but read lower and you'll see I did actually find a working solution. TCHAR * serial_port = L"COM1"; Group: FAULTMATE MSV2 Owners Posts: 21 Submissions: None Joined: 08/04/2011 Member No.: 1,882. Worked, brilliant, thanks, you are a genius.




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